snake case is just a convention
variable names are case sensitive
I like beans.

this header is included in third page

  1. Variables can make it easier to place words, phrases, and more, inside text, like so. I didn't need to type out this whole sentence! It's all in a variable - right there!
  2. Concatenation helps to join sentences via variables. The words 'to join' are inside a single variable. And check it: this whole sentence is inside one variable too! I can still type less!
  3. To CodingRooms: fix your 'php' soon! I am so lost with this language; I'm stressing with this format-

Summer Hopes n' Plans:

Of course I plan to sleep 'til it's almost midday just to catch up on that.
Though I'm very well-aware that my parents will be planning out soon our California trip for summertime. We're gonna go to Universal Studios Hollywood to visit the newest theme park of Super Nintendo World. It's gonna take another two to three years for the one in Forida to even open, and by that time I'm graduating high school, and I don't have the patience to wait that long.